About the Journal

General information

  • Title: Management Studies
  • Abbreviation: MS
  • ISSN: 2699-1187
  • Postal address: Rainer Lueg (editor), Leuphana University, Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lueneburg (D)
  • Technical support should contact: Rainer Lueg (editor), Leuphana University, Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lueneburg (D)
  • Publisher (and owner): Rainer Lueg
  • Keywords: Management, accounting, control, strategy
  • The journal starts in 2019. It has four issues per year. The count for each issue is volume(issue).
  • The logo of MS has been designed by Yassin Denis Bouzzine and Rainer Lueg. It’s copyright lies with the journal.
  • The journal is published in US letter format with 2.54 cm margins on all sides. Numbering is on the outside of the header (switching sides for even and uneven pages). The header also carries the initials and names of the authors as well as the title of the journal incl. volume and issue.

Access to the journal

Every user on the internet has access to the journal; however, registration is necessary for submissions.

Ownership and management of the journal

The ownership of the journal MS lies with Rainer Lueg.
The journal is managed by an editor and a managing editor. The editor is appointed by the publisher for a period of five years. For 2019-2024, the editor is Rainer Lueg.
The editor may appoint managing editors.
The editor may appoint associate editors.
The editor may appoint an editorial board.

Use of IT

MS uses emails for receiving submissions. All communications will be by email. Only the publication of the journal goes through the Open Journal System (OJS).

Aims and Scope

Management Studies (MS) aims at serving as a medium for publishing original research related to the fields of business, economics, and social sciences. Contributions in MS may be empirical or analytical, including reviews, proceedings, or notes.


MS has five sections:

  1. Editorial
  2. Essays (for full articles)
  3. Speeches (keynote speeches, or PowerPoint presentations with 2 slides per page)
  4. Notes [or Impulses] (for structured or even extended abstracts)

The editorial policies are the same for all sections. Differing procedures depend on the type of the submission, not on the section.

Review policy

7.1 Submissions

MS accepts two types of submissions. They are treated the same way:

  • Workshop submission: MS publishes the work of authors that has been discussed at topically related workshops and conferences. Specific quality standards may apply. The organizer of the conference/workshop manages the peer review process and notifies the editor of MS of the reviewer’s name, comment, and recommendations. It is the responsibility of the authors to send a printable version of their work to the editor of MS once their work has been accepted for publication.
  • Open submission: Additionally, MS accepts unsolicited submissions. These are subject to the same review process as the conferences presentations. The only difference is that they are submitted directly to the editor of MS instead of the conference organizer.

7.2 Referee process

Submissions to MS may undergo two types of referee processes: (1) open peer review or (2) double-blind peer review:

  • This review process is open. MS aims at turnaround times of 8 weeks maximum. An open peer review is a peer review process that revokes anonymity and occurs in some kind of a public space. It increases academic transparency, appears to foster more thoughtful reviews and is encouraged for ethical reasons of fairness (Pros and cons of open peer review. Nat Neurosci 2, 197–198 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1038/6295). The open peer review process relates to MS workshop submissions. The initial manuscripts are in a first step reviewed and discussed by peers during the conference/workshop. Afterwards, they are forwarded to the organizer of the conference/workshop for review. The best manuscripts are then encouraged to be submitted to MS in a third round, where the editor takes another critical look and finally ensures fit with the journal.
  • This review process is double-blind. MS aims at turnaround times of 8 weeks maximum. The open peer review process relates to open submissions. The editor or the organizer of the conference reviews each initial submission and judges the general suitability for publication or acceptance to the conference, respectively. The submission is sent to at least one reviewer. Based on the recommendation, as well as consultation between organizers and editors, the editor decides whether the submission should be accepted, rejected, or revised (minor or major revisions).

Submissions of type A and B must contain at least:

  • A cover letter indicating which section the submission targets
  • A separate title page identifying the author(s), including any acknowledgements
  • An anonymized manuscript (full paper, PowerPoint, or extended abstract).
  • A response letter to the review (when applicable)

7.3 Author guidelines

Please refer to the separate document.


8.1 Previous and future use of the work

MS assumes the non-exclusive rights to publish and store the work of its authors, once they have consented to a publication.

Since the rights to publish are non-exclusive, authors are free to re-use their work, e.g., to publish it in other media (as MS aims at publishing proceedings). Hence, it is explicitly allowed that works submitted to MS may be published in a somehow similar form in other media. Yet, submitting authors warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty.

8.2 Permissions

By submitting work to MS, the authors declare that they have permission to use any content that has not been created by them. Specifically, when using tables, figures or excerpts of more than 400 words, it is expected that the authors:

  1. …obtain written permission of copyright for the use in print and electronic formats of any of their text, illustrations, graphics, or other material, in their work. This includes any minor adaptations.
  2. …acknowledge the original source in captions and in the reference list.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.